Use Your Domain While Making Monthly Payments!
Set Up a Payment Plan!
12 Monthly Payments Or Pay In Full At Anytime!
Domain Name Payments
If you do not want to buy your domain up-front, will allow you to make payments for your domain purchase for up to 12 consecutive months. We offer the ability for you to pay your domain in full at any time you want. Cancel a payment plan at any point in time. You will not be obligated for any additional payments.
How Our Payment Plan Works
When a domain is purchased on a payment plan, it will be held in your name or company name at the registrar. The domain will have a registrar-lock until all payments on the domain have been made includinge an $8 per month service fee. At any time a payment in the payment plan is missed, at the end of a 10 day grace period, the domain will stop working and take you to a page that says you need to make another payment on the domain.
Once all payments have been rendered, the lock will be removed from the domain, and be pushed with full ownership to your account. After 60 days, you will be allowed to transfer the domain to any registrar of your choice. If monthly payments are missed 3 consecutive months in a row, you will be in default and the ownership of the domain will be returned to and the sales contract will be null and void.